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Clients who have built to the API

Detailed instructions on how you can migrate from the features you're using today

What will happen on deprecation?

The following endpoints will stop working:

GET /data/lending/accounts/categories
GET /data/companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/lending/accounts/categories
GET /data/companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/lending/accounts/{accountId}/categories
PATCH /data/companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/lending/accounts/categories
PATCH /data/companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/lending/accounts/{accountId}/categories
GET /data/companies{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/lending/enhancedBalanceSheet
GET /data/companies{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/lending/enhancedProfitandLoss
GET /data/companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/lending/financialMetrics
GET /data/companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/lending/accountingMetrics/marketing

Instructions for migration

  1. Map to the new endpoints
  2. Review the changes in behaviour

Map to the new endpoints

Identify the endpoints you are using today and the recommended alternative solutions:

Current endpointAlternative
List account categoriesThe supported categories have changed - you can find the latest list here.
List suggested and confirmed account categories

Get suggested and/or confirmed categories for a specific account
We will not be replicating this functionality in the latest version as it’s possible for an account to have more than one category depending on the financial period.
For example, a bank account could have a positive balance in one period and be categorized as an Asset, and a negative balance due to it being overdrawn in another and therefore categorized as a Liability.
You can retrieve the categories per account and financial period via these endpoints:
Enhanced profit and loss accounts
Enhanced balance sheet accounts
Confirm categories for accounts

Confirm account category for a specific account
You may want to recategorize accounts so that the model learns and improves for your companies. To do so:
1. Log into the Codat portal
2. Select a company on the Companies page
3. Click the Categorize Accounts button
4. Ensure the Version drop-down on the top right is set to Version 3

We have revamped this screen and included new features that simplify account categorization, including Confidence level.

If you used to recategorize because the Enhanced Profit and Loss / Balance Sheet was not being returned due to uncategorized accounts, note that the latest endpoints do not have this restriction.
If you do not need the model to learn for your companies, you do not need to recategorize via Codat and can make amendments in your own environment.

Note: In the latest version we no longer support recategorization via API.
Enhanced Profit and LossEnhanced profit and loss accounts
Note: the response schema has changed.
Enhanced Balance sheetEnhanced balance sheet accounts
Note: the response schema has changed.
List financial metrics

Get the marketing metrics from an accounting source
We are no longer supporting the precalculated metrics available on these endpoints. You can calculate these using your own formulas from our new endpoints:
Enhanced profit and loss accounts
Enhanced balance sheet accounts

If you would like to continue using the same formulas for the precalculated metrics we offered, you can find the formulas here

Changes in behaviour

The behaviour changes below apply to the latest endpoints only, the behaviour on the endpoints being deprecated has not changed.

  1. Our supported categories have changed - you will need to map to the latest categories.
  2. We no longer require the balance sheet to balance. This means if Assets - Liabilities does not equal Equity , we will still return data via the endpoint. If you require this validation, we recommend you implement these rules in your own environment.
  3. The response schema has changed from a recursive model to a flat list of accounts per financial period.
  4. We now support up to 5 levels of categories per account. We will populate suggestions to the lowest relevant level and we do not require all levels to be populated to return a response.
  5. The period length parameter is no longer supported on the latest Enhanced profit and loss accounts and Enhanced balance sheet accounts endpoints; all data is returned in monthly increments. If you require data to be grouped by periods, we recommend you do this in your own environment.

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